Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Sunday, 23 November 1924
8.30 A.M. A good sleep though dreams—dreams—dreams. 666 and ADO [Dorothy Olsen] come back—666 ill—trying to get a c.S. so as to satisfy ADO. Announced on Monday I shall be well and on Thursday something or other about being more than fit—I forget the exact words.
Dose of Citrate of Magnesia 7.10 A.M. Worked a few minutes ago—Bad coffee and perhaps I'll get up in a few minutes.
To Versailles—we missed everything to get there easily but had a great day just the same. The mist was glorious—the air bracing and tho' I started out like a nasty growling bear I was a good girl just the same—came home, had a good feed and closed my insanely stupid Babalon Book.
However, I suppose one has to learn somehow or other. I haven't the slightest idea how to go on with anything. This is an ideal condition—were on free from the old ideas—which I ain't.
V.I. [Ida de H. Crooke] is a dear and I am a pig. I wonder if I need a Lingam—No conscious need for it but what about my dreams?
9.00? To reflect light—not to be a cheap imitation—Thought I knew all about it, can see it in others but only find out myself after I've been the cheap sport. What loathesome creature I am.
9.30 More fussing about.
A very humble Lea goes to bed but oh for a little more light!
After all, my style is epigrammatic—there's no use trying to write a book. I do want to study the fables and fairy tales but I shall use the information in a way quite different to that which I thought at first.
Started on Grimm (after 10)
11.30 Just had egg and bacon and coffee. Good. My tummy still growling—last kicks of citrate.