Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Thursday, 27 November 1924
12.14 A.M. (Green)
(A seal in blue—the seal of 666 that is here.)
10.15 A.M. Therein am I as a Babe in the egg.
I don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing it. Alostrael.
12.20 A.M. Seal in red on cover of book—looks as if I were to start new record—So mote it be!
(Seal made on white sheet of paper and pasted into diary. I used all the colours—green, blue, gold, violet and red, placed my left forefinger ion it, as in the original B[abalon] seal and wrote in Gold ink below:—
NOV. 27
4 P.M. Closed my diary last night—or rather early this morning—with some sort of crazy seal.
Woke early this A.M. after very distressing and depressing dreams. Felt sure I should hear from Goirand.
I D I D. but not as expected. Called on him and home at 12. re MAINE HOTEL.
Idea to go to America to get Hansi myself. I had forgotten the Yi symbol re this but on looking it over again find that it is probably the thing to do.
For this I need
1. Fare (to be supplied by F.H.C. great idea) 2. Heavy coat—shoes, stockings, accessories generally.
The idea grows and I shall decide to-morrow (before 5) as to whether I shall cable her or not.
V.I [Ida de H. Crooke] to go to Sylvia Beach with prices of books etc., I to Smith and Galiniani to-morrow.
10 P.M. Eating soup and drinking coffee? Bl[oo]dy dr[un]k with D[a]mn R[u]m—but very happy. V.I. is great when she's not Soror Dopo—domo whatever it is. Comment on CCXX read.
Really too dark to do anything but go to bed.
10.50 To bed.