Oskar Hopfer Diary Entry February 1966
[February 1966]
In order that this work is not lost to posterity, over the course of time I have produced the drawings [for Crowley's planned revision of 777] for a third time, indeed in English and German, as well as the accompanying explanations and commentary. I have inserted a few drawings which were previously missing: "Precious Stones," "Magickal Weapons," "Fragrances," "The Fall," and "Magickal Squares," as well as the "Four Worlds" with an explanation from "The Temple pf Solomon the King," Equinox V. On the Tree of Life the Three Negative are imagined thus: "Ain" as an Ellipse which had its focal points in Kether and Malkuth, "Ain suph" as Parabola, and "Ain suph Aur" as Hyperbola. According to the Master Therion, in keeping with צ but with the Path of and צ but with the Path of ה, the Law, Aries isn't associated with the Path of ה Aquarius is associated not with the Path of This alteration, which was previously secret, can therefore be seen on the Tree of Life. For the sake of durability I have painted all the colored drawings in tempera (opaque). Thus I must mention that all the colors of the King Scale are to be imagined as transparent and all the colors of the Queen Scale as reflective. In the event that some of the colors could fade with the years, I have inserted a Key Table, by which all the important colors can be controlled. It was the expressed wish of Master Therion that this Book 777, the Magickal Alphabet, should remain in Germany. As the diagrams are intended to be printed, I had to manufacture them in this size. Finally I must mention, that without my dear wife's immense understanding and preparedness to sacrifice, this work would have never taken shape.
May Harpokrates, Guardian of the New Aeon, lay his protective Hand over this Work, so that it may one day serve the Benefit of Mankind!
Triebes in Thüringen in February 1966 after the new calendar.
Oskar Hopfer (in this life a painter)
Love is the law, love under will!