Dr. Jules Jacot-Guillarmod Diary Entry

Wednesday, 30 August 1905




On the way down, I had passed by Pache's [Alexis Pache] bunk; as it had been understood that he himself would take care of bringing down a porter in search of him, I did not worry about it for the moment; the next day, early the next morning, looking through binoculars at the place where I had seen that bed, I could not find it again and concluded that it had been transported to Camp V, and that Pache could now spend better nights. That same evening, several porters had come down to me, complaining that they had been mistreated and beaten. They also claimed that the route they had chosen was too dangerous, and they were absolutely right. De Righi [Alcesti de Righi] had reached Camp V with the entire rear guard, and brought with him, without any trouble, more than 50 coolies, not the best.


