Alcesti de Righi Diary Entry Saturday, 2 September 1905
As during the 2nd of September the Doctor [Jules Jacot Guillarmod], Reymond [Charles-Adolphe Reymond] and myself [Alcesti de Righi] were stiff from our bruises received the evening before, no one felt able to go up to the scene of the accident and we had per force to lay up. Mr. Crowley, our leader, joined us at about 9 o'clock and we learn that he intends leaving to-morrow "en route" for Darjeeling. He asked me if I was going too, to which I answered no, for reasons already stated. We watch from here the efforts made by Salama and Bahadur Singh to come down the track with the Burra Sahib's valise and his letter paper box. Raymond's valise is, of course, left above. They try to come down by the track, but cannot or do not like it, and try to come down by the snow slopes higher above the track, and nearer to where the avalanche fell but I think a gentle slope. This is where I believe the Doctor and Raymond wished the track to be made. They get down a certain distance, and then are seen to return higher up, and I think eventually come down by the old route, chancing a fall. They, however, reach camp quite safely. Nangar and his party, ordered by the Burra Sahib, go off to fetch the rest of the things down. We watch them getting over the bad slope near the rocks. They look like flies perched on a white wall. Slowly they go; it seems an age before every one is over and hidden by the rocks behind which Camp IV was. It is needless to say I am glad they are over safely. A little later we see them practically at Camp V. A great shout, truly a British cheer reaches us, which announces their safe arrival at Camp V, where they will sleep to-night and come down early next morning with all that has been left there.