Alcesti de Righi Diary Entry Wednesday, 6 September 1905
6th. Sept. We are all up by 4-30, but do not get away till seven o'clock. Camp III no more. Its site is marked by the solitary tomb which will stand as a land mark for many years to come, and be a warning to future climbers who are sure to come in our wake. A last good bye and we are off for Darjiling with its civilisation and its comforts regretfully, and in a way gladly. We have had over a month of tent life with its disadvantages, and will be glad to get some bread to eat. Chappaties are but poor substitutes for it, and most indigestible. A little over a mile from Camp I come to the rocky face above what we named "False Camp IIII." I try to climb down alone, but finding my injured leg not to be depended on I wait for the doctor who helps me down. The walk over the rock-bestrewn glacier I shall never forget. My lame leg carries me well enough till I trip on a loose stone and fall and then. . . I won't weary you with a tale of woe. The climax comes when I reach what was Camp II, and sit down to eat some lunch. This I cannot do owing to extreme pain, and am obliged to keep on the move hoping to be able to reach Camp I. This I must absolutely do as all our coolies are ahead of us and camping anywhere else is out of the question. Painfully, and the last few hundred yards supported by Mr. Reymond [Charles-Adolphe Reymond], we at last all reach the end of the day's march at 3-30, thankful that a most painful day is over.