Max Schneider Diary Entry Tuesday, 22 June 1943
In the evening went over to Pasadena to sit in on a "class". There were about 10 members present. Lodge was opened in the 1st degree. Jack [Jack Parsons] is doing very well as Master, he has poise and dignity. We soon adjourned to the living room where it was cooler. At Jack's request various members expressed their reactions to the party and Betty [Sara Northrup] as Treasurer, gave a concise financial report. Jack introduced me very cordially to the Lodge and spoke of high esteem in which I am said to be held by the Grand Lodge and he suggested that the members come to me with their problems and in connection with their studies.
This class is supposed to concern itself with practical experiments in Asana, Pranayama, Astral journeys etc., to be made at home during the week with a reading and discussion of the records at the following meeting. I do not think much of group work in such matters which really belong to the A∴A∴ system. But I do not want to interfere at this juncture; no doubt activities can be directed into sounder channels later on.—It seems that Jack wants me to take on the job of teaching—I proposed to Jack that Jean [Jean Phillips] and I come over for the next weekend to which he gladly agrees.