Max Schneider Diary Entry Sunday, 27 June 1943
Arose comparatively late after a good night's sleep, bathed and did 15 minutes easy Pranayama in Dragon Asana. The veranda facing east is admirably suited to work in the nude with sunshine and plenty of fresh air, yet sheltered. After a stroll in garden where Jane [Jane Wolfe] was already digging potatoes and after picking some ripe kumquats I returned to the house. Found Jean [Jean Phillips] just finishing her 20 minutes of Pranayama which she was doing with the poise and rhythm of an experienced Yogini. At breakfast upon invitation, I said "Will" with Jane. There was pleasant and harmonious conversation at the table. With the exception of Jack [Jack Parsons], who suffers from a bad cold and Jane who was already tired out everybody was lively and cheerful.