Max Schneider Diary Entry Tuesday, 6 July 1943
Roy [Roy Leffingwell] arrived in the evening and I was very glad to see him.—His cordiality and sense of humor are refreshing. After dinner he drove Georgia [Georgia Schneider] and myself to Pasadena and on the way I acquainted him with recent developments at 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue].
In Lodge, Jack [Jack Parsons] introduced Roy very nicely to the younger members and Roy answered in his usual humorous vein. The class that followed turned out to be a lively one, with everyone participating. Jack gave me an opportunity to point out that group discussions of a very limited experiments in Asana and Pranayama by beginners is not very desirable and that it would be proper for those whose will it is to go in for these practices in a serious manner to become probationers of A∴A∴ and as such enable themselves to work systematically. . . .
Georgia calls to Roy to come to bed with her; R.[oy] is at first a little surprised, but then follows the invitation without further ado. Good!