Meredith Starr Diary Entry Tuesday, 19 July 1910
Breathing. 10 in—20 out—about.
Time. 8.45 — 9. a.m.
Results. Same as July 16.
Prof. Work. Reviewed "The Shadow Garden" by Madison Cawein, and "The Mystery of Life and the Adamic Dust" by Col. Noel Roberts. . . . for the Occult Review.
Helped mother 9 p.m. — 2 a.m.
Tho' the dream die And the flower fade; The glass is dry, The wage is paid.
And tho' the flower fade And the fair dream die, Still green is the glade Where the dryads sigh.
Important Events. Had a copy of 'Orpheus' sent me with one of my poems in it—"Humiliation"—
Breathing. 10 in—20 out—about.
Time. 7.15 — 7.45 p.m.
Results. Same as before—only the feeling was much stronger.
Slept. 7 hours. 2 A.M. — 10.