Meredith Starr Diary Entry Wednesday, 3 August 1910
Have I not worshipped Love in many lands And many worlds, in countless lives, ere now? Have I not played with Death and Laughed with Life, Plunged needlessly, headlong in reckless strife? Have I not flung fair flowers with lavish hands, And wreathed green garlands round about my brow?
Have I not done these things, and many more, With weary hands, and weary, sated lips? What need then to repeat what I have done? There is no need! I know that I have won The difficult entrance to the nameless Door Past which the bondage of existence slips.
Henceforth I cease to be; I am not I; I am the sun, the earth, the sea, the sky; Yet none of these can hold me; far beyond, The old enchantment beckons with its fond, Alluring witchery so long asleep, And queen-like towers above the starry deep.
Breathing etc.
Time. 9.15 — 9.45 p.m. In 10 — out 20. about.
Results. Spinning round 'sensation' did not recur. . . . otherwise results were the same as yesterday—but not so pronounced. Saw purple.