Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Thursday, 11 August 1910




5.30 p.m.


Took 4 grains of Opium.


At about 6.15 I felt a heavy-leaden sensation all around cerebrum and back part of head.


6.30. Pulse 75 which is faster than usual. . . . Normally it is about 56 or less. A dull heat noticeable in head and face. Sensation of heaviness seems to be distributing itself over head.


6.38. Went to have a little dinner.


6.56. Returned. Had some roast-beef and peas and some apricots with custard.


The drug is now working slightly. It mainly is affecting my hearing. The people's voices and noise of plates in the dining room were different to usual. In a way less realistic—perhaps fainter. I will go and have some coffee at a place where there is music. Pulse about the same, very faint.


7.58. Back in my room. There was no music in the coffee place, so I went to the pier where some minstrels were playing. The singing etc seemed much as usual. I got bored and read C. V of Θελγμχ in the middle. I seem to be abstracted from the outside world and to withdraw within myself.


8.2. Took 2 more grains of opium, with a little water. (This makes 6 grains in all). The sensation of heaviness is not nearly so noticeable. Consulted 777. As I had no Cedar, I burned some Isis incense.


8.26. Have read C.I of Θελγμχ. I read the initial poem aloud—My voice sounds odd—rather indistinct. When the sound-waves strike the drum of the ear, a subtle change takes place somewhere in the recesses of that organ.


8.30. I will undress and lie down, and withdraw within myself. Perhaps something more interesting will occur. "Intoxicate the inmost, O my Lover, not the outermost!"


