Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Saturday, 7 August 1920




6:10 - 30



6:30 - 50


Dharana. Not good, physical poor.

6:53 - 7:15


Harpocrates. Physical good, vision poor, also silence.

On hill. Feeling good physically.

8:05 - 20


Pranayama. 4-8-8-4

Tried 4-12-8-4 but either cannot do this arrangement or should attempt from the start.

8:30 - 9:45


'777' All this time making diagram & working in alphabet! After such achievement need pranayama.

Pranayama, vigorously, 4-8-8-4. Discarded 'earth & sea' strength, realized my own.



Tao. 'There is no house of death in his whole body'.

10:32 - 52


Asana. Good physical for 15 mins. Then fly persistently dwelt in my nostrils, making minute investigations. Held for a time, body began twitching, chills ran over me & I blew it off.

10:52 - 11:12


Dharana. Started poorly. Right knee swayed slightly at intervals, swallowed 2, resisting 3 other similar desires. Toward finish got steadiness of mind—no color.

11:15 - 35


Harpocrates. Steadiness of mind, but not a success. The pesky locust bothered me.

Shall look for another Bo tree.



Pranayama to beach. From house to top of second elevation 4-8-8-4; from there to beach 4-12-8-8.

9:50 - 10:20


Asana Thunderbolt. Leg swayed once, right arm moved slightly 3, diaphragm spasmodically expanded & contracted—strong desire to cough all thro.

10:10 - 30


Dharana, yellow square. Excellent opportunity to note difference between this & preceding concentration. At no time was I conscious of throat. (Throat has been ticking as if from slight cold)

10:35 - 55


Physical good, vision not. Had to fight sleep continuously. For first time got alien color: drops of red, little lighter in color than blood, floated downward. Got this stopped.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—Good: Keep at till you can ignore such.

2—No: There's only One Tree.


Please put in A.M. or P.M. or use 24 hour system.

Explain conditions more fully, as if writing for public.


