Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Sunday, 8 August 1920







6:10 - 30


DHARANA, yellow square.

Did something here, tho little. Fighting sleep, mosquitos biting which distracted. But I have discovered if mosquito unmolested, after first few moments of pain, any desire to scratch gradually passes away.

6:30 - 50


ASANA, Thunderbolt.

Physical fair, flies walking over body causing chills. Mental poor.

6:55 - 7:15




9:00 - 10


PRANAYAMA. 4-8-8-8, 5 mins,. Could not continue hold of 8 counts without breath. For remaining 5 mins. alternated the above with 4-8-8-4, finding this required more concentration.


PRANAYAMA, 20 mins. 4-8-8-4

10:35 - 55


ASANA, Thunderbolt.

10:55 - 11:15


DHARANA. yellow square.

Got some results, yellow & square, part of time yellow flowing over lower edge of square. Snarled up somehow to-day as concentration affected physical sight.

Head moved once, right arm turned half way round by series of small jerks. Swallowed. Locusts to-day not disturbing as yesterday.

11:25 - 45



Not good. After repeated attempts to visualize, without success, straightened out & composed body outside & surrounding physical (What in the world does this mean?) This rested me, went back & visualized first blue shell, then babe. Though have done better.



PRANAYAMA to beach.

10:32 - 52


ASANA, Thunderbolt. Twenty minutes continuous fight with sleep, three times consciousness left—eyes swam.

10:55 - 11:15


DHARANA, yellow square.

Still battling sleep. Four times body pitched, several times caught body before pitch. Walked around room to wake up, water not cold enough to be effective.

11:20 - 40



Walk did no lasting good. Body almost fell over once. Again, right arm dropped.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley



