Jane Wolfe
Diary Entry
Sunday, 29 August 1920
A.M. |
After writing
the above, said beginning of Pentagram and made
the Star and Circle. Afterwards slept until seven. |
8:05 - 25 |
ASANA, thunderbolt.
Shall do Dharana and
Harpocrates at noon; head thick. |
7:40 - 8:00 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Another prolonged fight, mind
refusing to be directed. One persistent intrusion
being face (principally) and figure of
Allan Bennett in an old-world street, with many people
about. At about the same time came the consciousness
that I willed this vision, saying ‘I shall see Allan
Bennett’. I mean by this that the theatrical side of
me saw drama in this and produced it.
Later came Paris, Blvd Raspail,
Mrs. Eaton there, London and Bickie—this last
occasioned, no doubt, by receipt of letter from
Bickie this morning.
If dislike be necessary to
progress, I must be making headway of sorts: I
abominate these exercises. |
P.M. |
12:00 - 30 |
Dreadful things to be seen and
without one grain of sympathy. The arrogant Ego
should take note!. |
7:58 |
Lying on bed thinking of
Harpocrates vision, I saw myself finish climbing out
of a dark chasm, the last bit of the ascent being
the emerging from behind what seemed huge, repulsive
bat wings. This chasm of rock. The way ahead, with
slight incline toward horizon, was entirely over
small rocks of the boulder type, all round, no sharp
edges, and over this way streamed a white radiance.
Toward the source of this radiance I moved without
once looking back. |
11:55 |
Spent the evening with Mr.
Bush, whom I found entertaining. Yet am I so tired I
shall retire without work. |
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