Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Wednesday, 1 September 1920









Retired early last night without exercises, but could not sleep. Finally lit lamp and took Book of Lies. At 2:45 turned out light and finally slept, though fitfully.

This seemed a physical condition as spirit and mind were calm. Nerves tight and seemed to have a life of their own, which was wide awake.

6:37 - 57


ASANA, thunderbolt.

DHARANA, yellow square.

Merely a tame asana.

6:57 - 7:20



Ditto. The deeper part of me entirely lacking.







10:18 -  38


ASANA, thunderbolt.

10:38 - 58


DHARANA, yellow square.

Got hold of sq: Weak toward end.


Invocation, Equinox, Vol III, p 274.


Book of the Law until 12.


