Jane Wolfe
Diary Entry
Monday, 20 September 1920
A.M. |
7:17 - 40 |
Started as runner, poised for
start. Later changed to ready to leap across deep
flowing water to end of small, narrow springboard. |
7:40 - 58 |
[1] |
DHARANA, yellow sq.
Started out as usual, noticed
breath in right nostril. Decided on what I noticed
last night. Breath deeper nor did I notice from
which nostril, but did notice that the breath seemed
to spray up the spine from just below center of
shoulder to and into lower part of head. This always
produces a feeling of well being. |
P.M. |
4:00 |
I feel inexpressibly bored and
yet there seems rebellion. How can this be? I wished
to write
Mary K but would not pay her small a compliment.
I sew a bit and toss that aside, go to the hill and
return. These bawling children!
And I find Shummie [Ninette Shumway]
feeling as I do and realize my selfishness. There is
kinship here—what? I believe I knew her long ago and
that is why I was surprised when seeing her on my
arrival. Was it Paris or Rome? I understand her, the
heart of the woman, and with understanding comes
Love. |
10:10 - 30 |
Tol’able. |
10:30 - 50 |
DHARANA, yellow sq.
Mind wandering constantly.
Invocation. |
Comment(s) by Aleister
[102] |