Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Saturday, 11 December 1920






Cold still with me—awake much of the night, and up.


Astral in bad condition this a.m. because of my emotions. No work. Feel weak too from an intestinal disorder.






Prayer at altar. Talisman.



Past 15’ trying to get control of astral—no.

Talisman. Put myself in square, low-ceilinged room, underground, in darkness; and tried to pierce that darkness. After a time became aware of brilliant eyes, sharply regarding me. Tried to see body—shrouded in darkness though I sensed shining ebony.


Broke away here and found myself in very long, spacious room, with floor of black marble, with pink roses. Do not know how this room was lighted. After a time, books along entire left side of room and I became conscious of infusion into myself of rose-pink. I accepted the black of the floor but the pink roused my curiosity. Then noticed green was combined with pink in tessalted floor.

An exceedingly rich, cool interior.



1/2 Capsule of grass at 3, 1/2 at 3:50. Drank wine, 2 glasses to help along. Only effect was light headedness, the forgetting of sentences as A.C. spoke them (though I do remember the gist of the conversation—History Lection, publication of rituals, etc., as I had drafted business letter to L.V. [L.V. Jefferson]), and the seeing his face change into many different faces, some of which I knew.


