Visualizing self
constantly—mind constantly making unformed pictures,
resulting in “Bwouze”, so the word sounds as I hear
it—a bwouzed line, for instance being a line with
mossy-like fragments, a something floating away from
the line, which should be distinct and clean-cut.
Visualizing and speaking at
same time. Hal-formed pictures; speaking symbolized
by organ pipes, each beat bringing pipe higher in
the picture. All bwouzed.
(Would be glad if someone can
tell me what this means)
Left lobe of brain feels as
though there were a gimlet hole clean through it—I
can look through the it. (Am conscious at times of
just this spot.)
Experienced an affectionate
regard for something. This regard, flowing out, was
like unto a calf gamboling about—I mean the same
rhythm, a certain crudeness for affection.
Dark movement on desert.
Valley with stream, outlined by
green—there was white along water’s edge.
A black spot, which later
became a globe. From this an Altar arose; a flame, I
heard “Shin”. Then this disappeared, and a very
luminous red-gold Sun, low on the horizon, blazed
over altar. Picture ended with outer ring of
illumination from sun touching outer rim of black
sphere, the altar being no higher than this black
Figures, suggesting mounted
Arabs, all white, flowing by.
Seemed to break through
something of myself, and expanding beyond this
particular body in which I have been.
Outside, looked downward on
head; in crown a round opening with blood along
edges, congealed, also flowing down. Saw no hair.
Found head hurting here. Took
hold and stopped it.
Then entered a home which had
key-note “safety”. Looked through large plate-glass
window, showing beautiful garden, rocks and water
beyond. House modern. The entire picture giving a
semi-circular impression.
Where are thoughts? I see a
dome, chambers all round the circle supporting dome,
the centre hollow up to dome. This dome blue (cannot
read rest of notes)
Desert, then took shape
pinnacled castle, flanked on either side by
hillsides. Brilliant outstanding, which when first
beheld before seeing castle, suggested arm
outstretched with beaconing light, like Statue of
Liberty. When at castle noticed the light was on top
of an iron rod above the castle. |