Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Friday, 4 March 1921






Waked at 2:45—would not sleep, read Liber Aleph. Slept toward 5, to be waked intermittingly by peasants.




Dispersion all right!




Got back in some degree & for first time fought way back to focusing point without a moment’s relaxing after losing; I e, the mind not winking an eye to relieve strain.




Got this but slightly 2 or 3 times. After 15’ thought I could not go on, stopped, then resumed, but really was a sitting still.






Letter to M K W


Genesthai [C. F. Russell] disappoints me at last. When A.C. & Lea [Leah Hirsig] were in Palermo he read Magick, did an Invocation to Mercury alone in Temple. I dismissed this, however, with Do as thou wilt and understanding a hungry man filching food.


To-day (Lea left this A.M. for Palermo) neither he nor Shummy [Ninette Shumway] come for Fives. At lunch I had to write for water. He came, filled bucket, then wrote “When buckets are empty get Peppina to fill.” Does he lack a sense of honour or self-respect?


I discovered a dull edge on his sense of responsibility when he rattled off “Sure, I’ll be godfather to them (Hansi & Howard [Howard Shumway]) or any other.



For 50’ seeking for in Sepher Sephiroth. Vision & Voice [The Vision and the Voice], “..and the name is broken”, etc. Cannot locate, nor does my sum of these letters help me.



Vision. Fumbled round for some time, then settled into a definite “waiting”—holding the harp of mind still, receptive for slightest whisper. Believe this should be my present work.



Pranayama, 10:20.

Cannot understand why this has become more difficult than heretofore.


The Baron [Baron Carlos La Calce] came to the Abbey. I despise these surreptitious rappings, these sneak-thief methods. I remained in the kitchen, silent (ha! ha!), and he went away. Now, what? Do him good anyway, for he heard me before I heard him.


Glanced at Profits of Religion.







A horrid, clamped-down feeling I could not overcome.




Nothing, head bad.


4’ Pranayama. Dry spot in my throat, I am coughing.


