I have for several days
been typing A.C.’s Gnostic Records, and it now
occurs to me to start what may turn out to be one of
my own. Some days past I felt the need of more
strength, and decided to investigate this method of
securing it.
But I shall first write
here some experiences of the past two months.
While typing Book 4, Part
III [Magick in Theory and Practice],
Nov. 12 [19]21, the sentence “the kisses of the
stars rain hard upon my body” leaps out of the page.
It inflames me slightly, & I go to work! Stumbling
about along these lines, using Nuit, stars, etc., my
imagination finally pictures phallus of mine Angel
in the Arms, & I instantly sensed the Spiritual, and
received the Spiritual significance of sodomy.
Nov. 14, working along
these same lines—i.e., lying on my back, relaxed,
and allowing sexual sensation to flow through me,
which it did without (so it seemed) any assistance
on my part)—the Phallus of my Angel seemed to fill
my entire body and head. In some part of my being, I
know not where, there was orgasm, intense. After a
short interval again there was a similar internal
orgasm, this time caused by a feeling (?) that I was
the Phallus of mine Angel. No; that I was the skin
surrounding it & was therefore a part of his body.
Dec. 31. “All day I have
been conscious of sex force. Mon, 9.30 p.m., I have
just had a realization of the Holiness and Sublimity
of my work along these lines.” With this a
consciousness of some teaching, some (shall I say)
in this way that is impossible to obtain in any
other way.
Therefore with this
knowledge and that derived from the Records, I
started a definitely planned campaign. So Jan. 5,
feeling Sex force automatically flowing through me,
I invoked Pan, and started work. As I wish to gain
mental control it seems best to abandon imagination
& therefore I titillated the arms—as I wish to rouse
it. And also there is the “Spiritual Significance of
Sodomy”. I stopped just before orgasm & consciously
threw all the energy into reserve force. This seemed
not only beneficial at the time, but there was a
feeling of well-being all next day.
Jan 7, on retiring, again
was sensation coursing through me. Again I invoked
Pan, and then went to work as before mentioned. I
also asked guidance in the matter. This time I
slipped into mental concentration on any object
(Energy). I held it well for a time, I think;
[illegible] pressure I tired. This time orgasm
started, but I managed to stop it. My long training
in the control of “Dreams” is bearing fruit!
I then felt a desire to
take heroin, which I did, asking for a message as to
whether my work was correct. Tender heroin strength
seemed to flow up my spine & into the head. After a
time a something from a long distance away,
descended into my head. There was a feeling of
expansion and relaxation.
It has just occurred to me
that this may be the “definite work shortly” of Dec
26, and the “nearing of the ____ of Initiation” of
Dec. 31, mentioned by me in my other Record as
“impressions” of “initiation” of something about to
take place.
To date there is a feeling
of better concentration all round.
Perhaps I should add that
I have at no time undertaken work along these lines
unless there has been an “automatic” sex sensation—I
have not consciously called it up.
All this is very good; but I repeat the old warnings
against being satisfied with subjective sensations
however intense and convincing they may appear.
But in this instance there
is confirmation. Yesterday, in ignorance of what Soror ESTAI was doing, I spontaneously remarked that
her eyes were unusually brilliant, her complexion
clearer than I had ever seen it before, hers was a
most singularly pure and radiant. There is there
independent evidence of the correspondence between
the observed result and that which is theoretically
to be expected from the operations performed. I am
therefore ready to admit that her work has been
successful; for there is no other explanation, the
rest of the conditions (weather, diet, her mental
and moral situation, etc.) being unfavourable to her
I recommend the employment
of a material assistant such that emotional
distractions are unlikely to disturb the
sacramental concentration. The proper formation and
consummation of the Eucharist requires careful
attention. The Objects of the Working must be chosen
systematically. My own Record has all the faults of
pioneer-work: it contains much to avoid. There must
be proper tabulation of the Experiments and strictly
scientific observation. Sentimentality, sexual or
spiritual, must be sternly suppressed. Compliance
with these conventions should assure a success far
greater than I have myself attained.
The Beast 666. |