11 copies printed.
Small 8vo handmade paper quire +
half-quire insert, 16.8 x 13.7 cm, issued folded and uncut.
Rubricated type and fleurons, Greek, Hebrew and signatures
in holograph.
With a facsimile of the MS. of
Liber Legis as 65 sheets of photographic paper, 16.3 x 12.8
cm, printed one side at 59% of original size.
All contained in a box of red
leather over board with lid, 17.8 x 15.5 x 20.1 cm.
The following eight people, as stated
on the limitation page, were presented copies by Crowley:
Copy 1—Presented to 777-418 (Charles Stansfeld Jones
‘Frater Achad’).
Copy 2—Presented to 156:
31-666-31: 667 (Leah Hirsig).
In a
22 August 1927 letter Leah Hirsig returned her copy to
Crowley with the following reply: “I therefore return Copy
No. 2 of your Book, signifying thereby that I revoke all my
recognition of you heretofore as Beast, or Priest of the
Princes, or as having any authority whatsoever in respect of
the Law of Thelema.”
Copy 3—Presented to Saturnus (Karl Germer).
Copy 4—Presented to 516 (Jane Wolfe).
Copy 5—Presented to Ich Will: O.G.
(Otto Gebhardi).
Copy 6—Presented to 666. Crowley's
personal copy. This copy was still in Crowley's possession
when he passed away at
Copy 7—Presented to 666-14 (Dorothy Olsen).
Copy 8—Presented to
(Dorothea Walker). |