The Constitution of this Order of Thelemites is as follows
Quote CCXX I 39.40.
1. ΤΟ ΜΕGΑ ΘΗΡΙΟΝ 9º = 2o A∴A∴ LOGOS AIŌNOS[in Greek] 666 hereby appoint Magne Honoratum Frater Semper Paratus [James Thomas Windram] 6º = 5o A∴A∴ as sole and supreme authority in the Thelemite Order, responsible to me only. Any member of the Order shall have the right of direct appeal to me against any of his decisions; and my Fiat and my Veto shall be absolute. Frater S.P. shall use his own discretion as to the formation of any Legislative Administrative Executive or other bodies; but no delegation of his authority to other persons shall relieve him of his direct responsibility to me; not of his direct responsibility to each member of the Order severally.
(Quote I.37.38). He shall in fact regard himself as the Alter Ego of ΤΟ ΜΕGΑ ΘΗΡΙΟΝ: that is, as an utterance of the Word of the Aeon transmitted by Aiwas through me, and thence through him, to the whole world. There shall thus be no limit of any kind to his word, save only insofar as my Wisdom may govern his Power.
As a matter of administrative convenience, I may issue similar charters under these constitutions to persons in other countries; but such persons shall be directly responsible to M.H. Frater Semper Paratus in the same way as he to me.
2. There shall be Three Grades in the Order: the Hermit, the Lover, and the Man of Earth. Quote Liber 418 for definitions.
2(a) It shall be open for any Man of Earth to aspire to the Grade of Lover. The qualifications for this shall be the regular training of the A∴A∴ and a Lover shall be at least a Lord of the Paths in the Portal of the Vault of the Adepts. M.H. Frater Semper Paratus shell be empowered, notwithstanding the above, to grant certificates to persons suitable in this judgement to exercise the functions of a Lover to assist him in governing and extending the Order during the period of their training.
2(b) It shall be open for any Lover to aspire to the Grade of Hermit. The qualifications shall be (a) Eleven years of service as a Lover (b) the attainment of the Grade of Babe of the Abyss in the A∴A∴ (c) Retirement from all active work in the Order involving personal contact with groups.
3. Membership shall be granted by certificate from M.H. Frater Semper Paratus or his appointed delegate. The qualification shall be the signature of the Pledge-Form following:
I, ----------, being in possession of a copy of the Book of the Law and the comment thereon by 666, and having studied the same for the space of Eleven Days, do Solemnly Declare that I accept the Law if Thelema, that I will devote myself to discover my True Will, and to do it.
3(a) The Pledge-Form of a Lover, or Acting Lover, shall contain this additional clause:
I further pledge myself to devote myself to the extension of the Law of Thelema, to study and to expound the same, and to increase the membership of the Thelemite Order.
3(b) The Pledge-Form of an Hermit shall contain the clause following additional to that of a Man of Earth:
I pledge myself to retire from personal association with groups of men or women, to devote myself to the attainment of the Grade of Magister Templi in the A∴A∴ and to promulgate the Law of Thelema by such means other than those involving the personal association with mankind aforementioned.
4. The Initiation of a Man of Earth shall take place under Four Eyes. It shall be administered in the form given in Schedule A and attached to these constitutions. The form of Initiation of a Lover shall be laid down in Schedule B, as appended.
There shall be no form of Initiation for the Grade of Hermit.
5. All Men of Earth shall use the daily invocations given in Liber CC, the Rituals of Liber XXV and XXXVI and the Will before Meat as taught them in their Initiation.
All Lovers shall add to these practices that given in Liber Samekh. (This shall be optional for Men of Earth)
6. The Fee for Initiation shall be One Guinea, and the annual subscription One Guinea, Payment shall be made in advance. In the case of those who can afford it, in the opinion of M.H. Frater S.P. or his delegates, 3 year's subscription shall be paid on admission. Lovers or Acting Lovers are expected to devote the whole of their surplus income to the object of the Order. Donations may be accepted from any soever. Of all moneys received, one-sixth shall be remitted to 666 for the General Publication Fund, monthly accounts and reports being rendered.
7. The Man of Earth shall be assisted to discover his True Will by the personal advice of Τ[Ο] Μ[ΕGΑ] Θ[ΗΡΙΟΝ] or other such Hermits as may be appointed by HIM. An enquiry form may be obtained from the Headquarters of the Order at the Abbey of Thelema Cefalu Sicily on payment of One Guinea. This form is to be filled up by the enquirer, and advice will be given accordingly.
All Men of Earth have the right to a period of training at the Abbey of Thelema. They will contribute to the maintenance of the Abbey a sum agreed upon and paid down beforehand. The circumstances of each applicant will be considered separately. In return for the right to make use of this service, all Men of Earth are expected to introduce a new member at least once in every six months.
8. The general plan of the O.T.O. is to be put before all members, with a view to its operation primarily as a business association, insurance etc.
9. The Thelemite Order is not a mystical, magical or occult order in the ordinary sense of these words. Its purpose is to enable its members to succeed in life by teaching them how to avoid wasting time in lines of effort for which they are unsuited.
10. Men of Earth who have, to their own satisfaction and that of M.H. Frater Semper Paratus, discovered their True Wills, are to be granted a distinctive badge, and M.H. Frater Semper Paratus shall endorse their certificates with the words "Success is your proof" and a brief statement of the circumstances of their case.
11. The general Rites of the Order shall be Liber XV; and the form of daily service at present in use in the Abbey of Thelema, as given in Schedule C, appended. Lectures, lections, debates, etc etc shall be made to attract the interest of outsiders who may be present at all rites where initiation is not being conferred, by detailed illustration of the practical value of the Law of Thelema as applied to personal, social, economic, and political problems. Care should be taken to avoid the Thelemite Order being classed as an occult or even a religious body; its ceremonial and psychological features shall be explained by insistence on the fact that they are necessary to the primary purpose of the Order, the discovery of his True Will (as opposed to his conscious ideals or wishes) by each individual Member.
12. Active propaganda shall be undertaken with a view to the removal of arbitrary restrictions on the Will of the Individual, and to the simplification of the Laws of every country to the Law of Thelema: that is, The Thelemite Order shall strive to establish a Code whose sole object shall be to prevent any man from interfering with the True Will of another, as in the case of murder, robbery, rape etc. It shall similarly strive to create a Public Opinion in favour of social tolerance of all opinions and practices which do not interfere with the True Will of the Individual or the Community.