On Cefalù


Jane Wolfe




They were dear little fellows of 4 to 6 at this time. And how they did adore being with their mothers. But this did not satisfy A.C. The boys had to break the Gordian knot. So, sandwiches were packed, the boys were ordered to take a walk somewhere, anywhere. Hansi behind trees did not last long. Our little boys took themselves hither and non, exploring the countryside. Hansi frequently returning with a trailing robe, or none at all. Howie [Howard Shumway] was always clothed. But Hansi was a little animal of the woods. The peasants adored him and gave him their superb bread. I would be glad if such bread like that came my way to-day. Hansi had manna from heaven at all times. As Leah [Leah Hirsig] was busy with Crowley’s work, I taught the boys poetry, the stars and planets.


It was a delight to see Hansi going to the bottom, picking up shells put there for his enjoyment. Howie could not relax. O, yes, he stayed on the water but in a stiff struggling manner.


On my first trip to the beach I took with me—and put on—a black woolen bathing suit I bought in Cefalu. The only one who covered herself. It reminded me of a one-time studio girl who had gone to Russia. After a few swim clothed, she became ashamed by her isolation—as all the others were nude—and she finally took off her garment and became one of the many, and so enjoyed the water without shame.


It was astonishing how the Italian children screamed and hid their faces in mother’s skirt. Italian boys, by the way, clothed themselves in mother’s undies when tumbling around in the water. They could not swim in what they had on. All this prepared me for my 31 days alone on the beach when on Retirement in the tent of Aleister Crowley.


There was a part of the Beach separated by a projection of rock. Few people went there, possibly because the descent to the beach was steep, possibly smaller than the other beach, and more rocky. Here is where A.C. decided I should take a Magical Retirement. He consulted the Hexagram, cast “The Sticks”, turned up the result, put, 6 meditations. The first week one-half hour for each meditation; second week 1 hour for each subject; 3rd week one and one-half for each; fourth week 2 hours each subject. But Liber Thisharb, at the end of the Ritual, had to be shortened. I had heard of levitation as a result of Pranayama (breathing according to time periods. On my last day at the Beach, my body steady its posture, but slowly slowly tipped over until it lay easily on the canvas of the tent without breaking asana.



First Equinox in Cefalù (1920) when A.C. and Leah were in Naples, Ninette [Ninette Shumway] with her dry humour, broke the ice and made me laugh—precious laughter. Thereafter I was relaxed, and slowly adjusted myself to my surroundings. Fleas and mosquitos No, I did not; Fleas were of 3 sizes: large, medium, and small—the hardest to catch. I got use to the biting, but not the creeping—up and down the back—and elsewhere. Ninette was a hot bed for them. Bugs—for a short season: thank Heaven.


Meantime I had taken up my studies with A.C.


Twice a Day

A. Asana: control of posture—completely still

B. Regularization of breathing: Pranayama

C. Dharana: Control of Thought

D. Astral Travel, using Shaddai sigil which belongs to Yesod ) on the Tree of Life at this juncture.


Work was written out fully to receive A’s comment.


We played “Fives” on our court: went swimming in the Mediterranean; Rock climbing, small or large. Long walks up the hills of Sicily; and such activities out doors. Painting on the inside, walls in brilliant colours as one chose. The Abbey Temple in the Magical colours necessary to the Temple. I did the floor work: A.C. telling me the colours, designs, etc. We enjoyed the work, and became a united group.


