Correspondence from John Quinn to Wieland & Co.




Messrs. Wieland & Co.

33 Avenue Studios (76 Fulham Road),

South Kensington, S.W.

London, England



July 22, 1913.



Dear Sirs:


Replying to yours of June 2d, I beg to say that there was delivered to me a week of ten days ago two cases containing books. These I have checked up with a copy of the invoice sent to Messrs. Stockwell, which invoice detailed The Equinox and Book 4, Parts 1 and 2, and 41 books and pamphlets.


I have checked up the books as delivered, with your statement of February 12th, and find the following:


All the books in the detailed list of February 12th were included, except two:


Berashith” (5.0)


Oracles” (5.0)


These are not very expensive books, and I hope not out of print, and I hope that you will supply them.


There was included the nine parts of The Equinox and “Book 4, Parts 1 and 2” and “An Essay on Ontology” and also “The Star of the West”, which were not billed on the February statement or referred to specifically on the invoice.


I enclose you herewith London draft to your order for 1 in payment of the books received at the price mentioned in your letter of February 12, and send this to you upon condition that you will supply me with “Berashith” and “Oracles”, and I will remit the price upon receipt of them, namely 10/.


Is there any way of getting the “New Year's Card” of which you say there were forty copies printed?


Can’t I get a copy of the “World's Tragedy”?


I think if these books were sent to me by registered mail they wouldn’t be opened. I get many packages of books by registered mail unopened. I don’t think books consigned to me, who am a heavy importer of books, would ever get confiscated.


If the “White Stains” were ordered by a doctor of medicine would it be supplied to him as a doctor?


Of whom could the “Scented Garden” be procured in Paris? I have friends over there and they might get me a copy and bring it over, and that would complete the set.


Yours very truly,


John Quinn


