Meeting Minutes

British Columbia Lodge Number One







British Columbia Lodge Number One:

43 Lonsdale Ave.

32 Van Couver




April 17th 1915.



Ceremony of Minerval.


Candidates having duly arrived were shown into a Chamber of Reflection.


The following Candidates were then initiated into the .


Bro Dawson [Benjamin Dawson].


Sister Smith [Emily Smith].


Sister Skidmore [Catherine Skidmore].


Sister Jones [Rubina Stansfeld Jones].


Bro Parnell [Edwin Parnell].


Sister Grady [Maud Grady].


Bro Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith].


The Ceremony was performed by Bros Clark [W.C. Clark] and Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] (Bro. J. = Saladin, Bro. C. = B.G. [Black Guard] and was carried out without a hitch of any kind on the part of either Officers or Candidates. Following this a short preliminary lecture was given by Bro Jones, and a Lecture on The True Value of Secret Orders by Bro Clark. Arrangements were made for Brethren to meet at Headquarters every Tuesday evening at 7.30 p.m. for the purpose of studying the Mysteries. After this meeting refreshments were served and the Brethren retired to their homes. The evening may be regarded as a very successful commencement of the work of the Order.


