Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
C∴[are] F∴[rater],
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I must apologize for failing to acknowledge the receipt of Book 4 Parts I and II, but I quite overlooked this matter. I enclose 75¢ in payment. Please forward another copy of 777 at your convenience.
Things are not very good here, principally on account of sickness and very bad weather. I think anyway there has been a very bad falling off and slackness in the Lodge since Jan 1st.
Bro∴ Dawson [Benjamin Dawson], as I told you, has enlisted; I have appointed Bro∴ White [Howard White] to reign in his stead and I hope as far as the Lodge is concerned it will be a good change. Dawson evidently had not the power to hold them. It requires someone with initiative who has the interest of the Order very much at heart.
We have very few members that are workers and it makes one very sick to find things going flat as soon as they are allowed a little [illegible].
About the end of the year I decided to adopt evening dress (where possible) instead of robes, as that arrangement seems so much more suitable with aprons and collars, and also to the somewhat lighter and more social side of the teachings that you suggested should be accentuated.
This has caused some dissatisfaction in one or two instances—and one member of an argumentative disposition has put a note in the question-box asking by what authority this change was made and if under the hand [illegible] of Baphomet. What is your opinion about this matter? I don't intend of course to go back to the robes now—unless you for any reason wish it or think it advisable.
The II° Degree is hanging fire a bit, but I have put the two Smiths so as to get some more help in fixing things up. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] has made a very fine set of brass Plates, Circle, Triangle and Letters, Dawson [Benjamin Dawson] and I made the Floor Cloth and we have eight of the banners done. Funds are the chief thing now.
I hope the members have not fallen off because the years subscription is due again.
Re Message of the Master OHPION [Message of the Master Therion], and notice there were 4 mistakes in their printing, owing to sickness I did not see the proofs. The use of the word emotion instead of motion was a bad break. Fortunately I noticed it before sending any out and made the corrections accordingly.
Is it possible to provide another paper about the same length giving the gist of Liber THisharb or some definite practices to hand to the [illegible] of the true Wills? This would make a good "follow up".
We are about to send a "Message" to every person in the City, with a carefully worded note etc. This will probably have the affect of getting the thing talked about etc.
Have sent out quite a number of copies.
Re Release of Word of the Equinox,
Re Secret of [illegible] Nuit?
Asked for suggestions to buck up the Lodge members.