Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Frank Bennett
To the Very Illustrious Sir Knight Francis Bennett.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
This formula should be used in all letters to anyone whatever.
The Grand Master is at present in America—letters addressed to London pass through my hands and I opened yours of the 27th Jan, recd. 21st March—I have now sent it on to him.
I think it well to let you know of the receipt thereof, and so it will interest you and save time, I enclose a copy of the manifesto of the New Law. Instructions as to this, had, I think, better reach you thro’ Sir James Windram—I am writing to him this week and shall mention that I have sent you a copy and shall ask him to communicate further instructions.
I also enclose a copy of a “pastoral” letter which I am sending out to all B[lessed] b[rethren] in this country—This is for Bb only, to inform them of the welfare of the G[rand].M[aster]. The printed message is for everyone.
Saluting you, I am, in the Bonds of the Order, fraternally yours,
George M. Cowie VII° G[rand].T[reasurer].G[eneral]. 0º = 0o A∴A∴
24 Glenisla Gds. Edinburgh, Scotland Mar 21/16.