Correspondence from Frank Bennett to George MacNie Cowie
Brazilian Consulate General For the Commonwealth of Australia SYDNEY N.S.W.
May 17th 1916
Care Frater and Most Illustrious Sir Knight,
We have your letter dated March 26th 1916 from Edinburgh, with regard to the working the A∴A∴ in Australasia, enclosing a copy of the Manifesto of the New Law, and note that the instructions will reach us thro[ugh] Sir James Windram and that you are writing him to that effect. By this same mail we received a letter from Most Illustrious Sir Knight Crowley dated from New York City April 4th 1916 [#1 & #2], who advises us to deal direct with you, we are answering this letter now with the request that we may be supplied with a consignment of all the books necessary for the working of the A∴A∴ on the understanding that payment of same will be made as they are disposed of from time to time. We trust that this arrangement will meet with your approval, as it would help me a great deal.
Saluting you I am in the Bonds of the Order
Frank Bennett VII° O.T.O. Grand Secretary General for Australasia.
Very Illustrious Sir Knight George N. Cowie, VII° O.T.O. G.T.G. 14 Glenisla Gardens Edinburgh Scotland.