Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





PO Box 70

Vanc BC



An Xii in

July 11th 1916 E.V.

12.35 P.M.



MH, MI, MI, and VD Brother


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Many thanks for yours  in    in in answer to mine Jun 29th E.V. I am glad that in spots of some obscurity through lack of detailed information on my part, you admit things are evidently all right.


I have really done my best work clearly—and my new letter will I feel sure clear things up.


Re my plans: Yes I have given up my job—because I staked everything at one time or another during the Initiation and could not draw back even had I a mind to; but really it was time I got out of that job—there were no prospects and it had [illegible] choice sometimes. White [Howard White] on the other hand is glad of a job as it will enable him to pay his Lodge dues and those of his wife who has just joined so I think has solved two personal problems for him.


I have not come into a fortune but am convinced things will be all right—but I really don't see any chance of taking a holiday or coming to see you just now. Much as I should like to!


The Lodge:—I have fortunately retained a certain amount of common sense and have not thrown away V°'s so highly as you now suppose. The truth is—The Lodge was about smashed up and then all that work would have been wasted. As it is—though financially we are not much better off for the moment—certain Br[others] have had mystical experiences of a definitely R.C. nature and I therefore conferred honorary V° on them.


The result is that they are now willing to work and earn the money to pay for their Degrees before [illegible] before seeing the Rituals; they are willing to support the Blue Lodge [illegible] it is in a position to locate proper premises to put on higher Degrees. They are all firmly bound together by the RC Pledge from which they have signed and consequently bound to support and recognize the Law in the fullest extent of their comprehension. This is really a valuable advance because they will now be willing to support the Blue Lodge now in a way that will please rational people of a less mystical nature and the problem of the continued conflict of the social and mystical in this earlier Degrees, which has proven such a bane—will be solved.


I clearly recognize my own indelible dues to B.L. and am prepared—if necessary—to take on another job and earn the money; but I really believe that I can do better work getting in numbers for Blue Lodge; [illegible] I know what I am talking about and can see how this thing should be run.


In any case, it is work a [illegible]. If I succeed here I shall go and do the same in another City and so on.


Your interpretation of what I did [illegible] IX°—is I think wrong. I really literally did what I said!


Excuse haste—am tired—we have put through 2 and I° tonight and I had a heavy day at work.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in B[onds] of O[rder].




