Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70

Vancouver B.C.



Aug 16th 1916 E.V.

An XIII. Sol in Leo.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your last three letters, Luna in Scorpio, Luna in Scorpio, Luna in Capricorn, to hand with enclosures.


"The Law of Liberty" is very clear indeed; it makes me glad, some seem a bit startled however, and I think I shall get the public a bit used to us before I use it for any but the Brethren. I have typed it out and am forwarding it to S.[outh] A.[frica] as requested. Shall be glad to get other pamphlets as soon as ready.


What you say about AA Work may be right enough, but the 'young man' is not abashed, for he intends that his Work shall be right, and does not mind what trouble he has to take to make it so. For the moment, in the cases you mention, one might well be tempted to say "Ours is not 'the gloomy asceticism of the Christian and the Buddhist and the Hindu', Get busy on the Law of Liberty, and the New Aeon Teachings".


I will send the "Comment" in its revised form to V.I.V.I. Bro. Sir G.M. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] for publication. We had just ordered 1000 to be printed for our own use, but your letter came in time to get the Names and addresses added etc. Will send you a copy when we get them from printer tomorrow.


Public meeting at N.V. was not very well attended, but quite a success. All pleased and satisfied. We are going ahead, in spite of lack of funds, and have taken the Eastern Star Lodge Room for next Sunday, when we shall give a similar Meeting. 2,500 of the enclosed hand-bills are being given in all public places by our members (Nearly 2000 have already been distributed). All present will be given a copy of the Message and Comment, and we hope to sign up Members afterwards. If a success, we shall take a bigger Hall the next week, distribute 5000 bills, and so on. With luck, we should be able to give an O.T.O. Meeting, followed by Dance in Hotel Vanc. at Equinox; Put on a Recital introducing Madame Tasmaan etc. The current seems going strong for the moment, if we can only keep it up.


The latest idea, re Checkie, should cause a stir that will spread all over the Continent. If we can only take advantage of it here, there should be a condition of affairs in Vanc. by the time he gets here, that will be just what is needed.


However, we must wait and see. It's no good flying too much off the handle till the deal is completed.


Many thanks for O.T.O. information. I do wish I had all the Secrets etc of every Grade, so as to be in a better position to meet stray 32°'s etc. One never knows what will happen when we get these Public Meetings in swing.


I am gradually getting the B[lessed] b[rethren] in shape for the S.[ex] Q.[uestion]. It will take a little time though. I wish the absent O would return so as to make the number complete.


With every good wish,


Love is the Law, Love under Will.




