Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
October 1st 1916 E.V.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours Sun in Virgo, Moon in Cancer. In answer to mine of Sep. 10 E.V. I am glad you like the epistle on Obscenity in regard to the general matter. I will try and improve it, since you think it worth while to bother with it. I knew it was badly thrown together, as I typed it off in a hurry before a Lodge Meeting and did not have time to go over it again.
I have noted the contents of your letter to Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], and will get a report made out as suggested. I have also made out the list of new Libri, and sent copies to Cowie, Windram [James Windram] and Dunn [Ernest Dunn].
My letter from Malkuth. Yes I was in an amusing mood. The letter from Checkie was certainly funny. I have had one from him too, which I enclose. I told him the first thing to learn was to do what he was told, that books would not help him in this, but the military training might, and to write again Nov 1, I don’t think there is much that can be done now he has joined the forces.
Yours Sun in Libra. Moon in Virgo., just to hand. Many thanks for your advice. You are no doubt right about the sex dissatisfaction and hit the nail on the head, but with regard to K. [Katherine Talbot] this was not possible, as she went away just after I got back from the retirement, and has not come back since. There is a chance she may do so soon, but it may not be the same then. However we shall see. There’ll be a way to get things in shape somehow I don’t doubt for a moment.
I like your method of Juggling with Checkie, I’ll probably have enough to do carrying out tasks set by myself for my own bunch before I’m through. It gives me hope of seeing you here some day though, and think of what a good time you’ll have fixing up all the women I have failed to take your advice and screw and searching out the Titled people, and this Old Countess aged 78, and Lord Tennoddy who needs attention. There'll be an awful lot of work to do I’m thinking.
Joking apart, I don’t think I shall try and fix things up in that way for the moment. I don’t think K. hit if off very well with the B.C.R.P., and he is in no position to do anything for R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones], the poor devil has enough trouble of his own, with his father and mother in bad circumstances and a wife who helps to keep things going by teaching music, but who has had several serious nervous breakdowns—brought on originally by some false move after child-birth—and who is liable, to become permanently deranged if she has another shock of any kind.
I think things will clear up all right in time. I do what I can, and as you say They wont let us down altogether, I think nearly everything has gone apparently wrong, that can go wrong, and we’re still alive, and feeling a bit more cheerful anyway.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Many thanks for portrait [of Jeanne Foster] and Word of Eq[uino]x. I did not have ritual so could not make proper attempt. What I did get was [illegible] Saturn.