Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
January 7th 1917 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letter Sol in Cap. Luna in Aq. to hand. Many thanks. I have written to Bro. Mills [Thomas Mills] conveying your sympathy. I thought you would be pleased with Bro. Phelps’ Maurice Phelps report and am glad you think fit to spread it round. It should have the effect of arousing the B[lessed] b[rethren] to fresh effort.
Thanks for explanation of platinum ring-top. I hope to be able to make use of it some day.
I am glad to get the N.O.X. signs. Is the Sign of Baphomet the same as one of those mentioned or not? I could ask a great many questions on these things, but do not want to trouble you unduly. If you have an opportunity to send the missing sections from ‘Agape’ [Liber Agape Azoth sal Philosophorum] I should be glad to have them.
Bro. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] sent me that copy of the B.I.M. [Bagh-i-Muattar] a day or two ago. It is certainly most interesting, especially in view of J. St. J's [John St. John] note as to the author. It is many years since I did any practical work on these lines. At that time I had of course no idea of any Mystical side to the question and I did not experiment very far. Would such a course tend to arouse the Kundalini in ‘pathic’? The idea seems opposed to complete IX° working. By the way the note on [illegible] powder ant tabloids, reminds me that I had intended to ask if a certain substance obtained after IX˚ working is ever kept over and stored up in some way, or whether it is useless unless absolutely freshly made? Alchemy seems to supply the idea of something of the kind. I often very much wish I was in nearer working touch with another who has the IX˚, experiment might then become easier in many ways.
I had another letter from Claude P. Jones.[1] He will evidently Affiliate with III° for a start. I expect to hear again very shortly and to get the signed Preliminary Form back. He asks for a copy of Liber Legis. Will you please order Equinox X also Book 4 Part II to be sent with invoice (Post Office Box 233 Wellington, New Zealand) and tell him to remit direct. Also you might enclose a list of any other useful books and prices. I don’t know where to send for these now. I hope the N.[ew] Z.[ealand] affair will turn out all right, he may however have to go to the war which will upset matters for a time.
I don’t know just how things will go here in regard to the war. I think it best to avoid getting definitely mixed up with it, if possible, and have filled in Registration card accordingly.
I have been very hard worked at office lately and have been there every night till about ten on. Last week end, though, I made a start on that Record you mentioned some time ago. I shall most likely be working late again for another fortnight, so am sending along the pages I have already done in order that you may advise me if it is at all what you want, before I go further. It was written straight on typewriter, so wants revising quite a bit anyway, but I want to know if the style is at all suitable, whether you intended I should go into detail of earlier part of the work at all, or only write of experiences last Summer etc. whether you want me to include any detailed experiments like the one from Liber III. It was my intent to mention briefly Automatic Rigidity, Retirement, and of period with Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller], Neophyte period and parts of your comment, touch on Astral journeys etc. and then enlarge on starting of O.T.O. Lodge working up to the result obtained last summer and bringing in other Records at the end. However I shall not have done much more, if any, before hearing from you again.
Love is the law, love under will.
1—[The brother of Charles Stansfeld Jones].