Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



September 5th 1917 E.V.



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have received your letter of Aug 28th. for which, many thanks.


Yes, I think it would be good to read the Bernard Shaw article in public, and will try and arrange to do so and let you know what happens.


I shall look forward to the October issue [of the International containing the reply to Mr. Lazenby's remarks. It might do good if we could get one of the papers here to reprint the article as I expect some of our T.[heosophical] S.[ociety] friends will like to read it (?)


It's funny I did not get any letter referring to Johanson, one must have gone astray I' afraid. Do you recollect the contents at all, other than that ? I suppose it could not have got to Johanson by any chance in error; he strangely enough remarked in his last letter "that an ass's braying was a little likely to arouse any love in the heart of the Master" or words to that affect.


In regard to your question re Conscription. I understand the Bill has been passed to authorize the Conscription of 100,000 men between the ages of 20 and 45. The first draft will consist of single men from 20 to 34. Second draft married men of same ages, and so on. It is possible they may raise the specified number from the first draft, so it is said, but of course if the war is prolonged and they require more than the number, there will be not much doubt they'll go ahead and take them. The idea seems to be that all between the specified ages are considered eligible as soon as the call is made, and if one objects he must take the matter up with the Exemption Court and prove either that he is unfit, or too useful in some way to be spared. That is what I understand of the matter so far. In my own case, I am unable to say whether I shall be affected or not. My eyes would I think prevent me from being of much use to the cause, otherwise, as far as I know, I'm fairly fit. I am leaving the matter entirely in Their hands, if the little bit of experience I have gained in regard to the Work, is of any value to the world a way will doubtless open up whereby it can be put to advantage, if not I shall conclude that the experience of the army is necessary or that having failed it's time to scrap this child and try again.


Yes, the Madonna [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] and Bambino [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] are entirely dependent on me.


I am sorry to say the report regarding our Brother Dawson [Benjamin Dawson], is confirmed.


I have been trying a few divinations in Geomancy lately. It seems a very interesting method. It seem to me that I should be filling up as much of my time as possible with various practices, while things are slack. You mentioned in one of your letters that it was up to me to obtain the Siddhis, even though they must be given up again. There are so many practices that it is rather hard for me to know just what is best to undertake. Will you help me with a few hints in this respect? Meanwhile I'll be toning up with Pranayama etc.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son salutes Thee,


