Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





57 Grand River Ave

Detroit, Mich.



April 23rd 1919



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I got those rituals yesterday, copies same and returned originals today. I notified Bro. Lodge [Frank T. Lodge] of their arrival and asked him to call a Meeting of Council. Have had no reply yet.


Have seen nothing of Pictures of Box of Books so far. Express Co. must be slow. Will let you know if there is a book for Bro. Hill.


Sorry to hear of your "accident" also of illness of Sister Roehling. Have written to her also Betty Bickers [Betty Sheridan-Bickers].


Am doing all I can to push things along, there is so much to do that progress seems slow.


I think Russell [C. F. Russell] would have no difficulty in getting a job here, am sure friends would do all possible to fix it at once. If he can get here shall be very pleased to see him, he would be of great help in O.T.O. etc. Excellent B[lack] G[uard] for Minerval for a start. Tell him I should like to see him soon if possible.


In great haste.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son,




