Correspondence from William Hanson to Aleister Crowley
November 3, 1919
William J Hanson, trade linotyper, 416 Pearl Str., N.Y.
Dear Bro. Crowley,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
In regard to the offer of the U[niversal] B[ook] S[tores] of Detroit to pay $500 cash for 200 copies of [Equinox] Vol. 3 no. 2, I wish to state that the whole number of sheets from the printers has been put in storage, and it would be necessary to have the whole edition bound up if any are bound. The new price of binding is now $420 plus the cartage and storage costs. In addition it would be necessary to pay the charge of Ringler and Co. of $100 for the photoengravers. You can see that the $500 will not cover the actual payments to be made to finish the books. There is also now due to me for work to date $1,411 dollars, which has put me in a very bad financial condition and cannot go ahead without more money. You said sometime ago that you would probably sell between two and three hundred copies. If so that will help out.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
W. G. Hanson