Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
At 50 rue Vavin Paris VIe probably till March 21, then at Cefalú.
An XVI [22 February 1921]
My beloved son:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Yours of Jan 16 and Jan 30 sent on to me here. I hope to revise and reprint 777 this next year; I guess Hollings sold all he had, and we had less than 100 left in 1911.
Russell [C. F. Russell] has great qualities and great defects. A drunken sailor with a swelled head and an atrabilious liver shares the boat with a scholarly and passionate Don Quixote. It rocks. I got him pretty soon, jumping with both boots; if he lives till I get back, he ought to be considerably mended!
I am really tired about F.T.L. [Frank T. Lodge]. I didn't owe him a cent; he expressly agreed to pay E.[dward] A.[lexander] C.[rowley] in writing; but I'm glad you threw his lousy dollars back at him, and left me freer than ever to say what I think of his Confidence Trick he played on the O.T.O. American Masonry, 100%. Glad they refused you. Come out as their open enemy now, disgusted at their dirty dishonor.
Chicago sounds good. Look up Maurice Browne[1] and persuade him to put one of my plays on, if he has started again. He would have staged "The Saviour" if he hadn't had to close up for a time.
Never forget that one single success for any one of my activities would put life in all the others. My work is our real asset, and practically every penny of profit could go to propaganda for A∴A∴
Y[ou]rs of Jan 30. Extremely glad about Norman Mudd [Norman Mudd]. "Cast thy bread" etc.; most encouraging to find that one's seed of 10 years ago has come to wave in the sunlight! I'll write him direct; letters to Windram [James Windram] come back 'Gone away: no address.' Very strange.
As to R,S,J, [Rubina Stansfeld Jones], I must strongly advise you send her by the Fabre line for a week or so at Cefalú. If she is to do anything in England, as she well might, there ought to be a regular plan, discussed thoroughly, as can't be done by letter. And I am sure she would be delighted with the Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] and the people; and I hope and believe that she and I might come to true friendship and confidence. Things like that happen, as they cannot in cities, when one lives the Law in an atmosphere purified by its practice, as at Keph-AL-oedium, the House of the Fate-Wheel of AL.
I want you to emphasize the Social, Ethical, and Political Freedom of the Law; we must talk to people about the things next to their hearts; and today there are few 'seekers' in the old sense, as you and I were, but many, in fact nearly all, who are worried intensely about the state of "civilization." Cure that; the rest will follow in season.
93 93/93
Thy sire
The Beast
1—[In 1912, theatrical director, dramatist and actor Maurice Browne (1881-1955) and his wife, Ellen van Volkenberg (known as the actress Nelly Van) founded The Little Theatre, which soon became famous for its experimental plays.]