Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd




Dec. 5/23



Russell [C. F. Russell]

I suggest your writing, saying that you gather that he was at one time a Neophyte or Zelator of the GD and that if he wished to renew his association the condition is An Act of Truth.* He would have to send his wife and family to the Abbey at Cefalů and himself proceed thither by walking to N[ew] Y[ork] preaching the Law, and thence working his way to the Abbey, there to receive further instructions. Do not send this as from me. Say that no further notice will be taken of him until his arrival at Cefalů after having fulfilled those conditions.


Yours of Dec. 1


¶3—Glad you have decided to reach London before end of month.


¶4 Quite right about Murray [Adam Murray]. The problem is what can he do to help things along. What news of Windram [James Windram]? Is he sending his family to Cefalů? Has he sent me a copy of the Dee and Kelly stuff copied from the Bodder [Bodleian Library].**


¶5 [Cocaine] and Golden Rose arrived safely. Why did you limit our contribution to 50 francs? I am talking of sweater from Cefalů.


¶6 Books arrived: many thanks (12 in 4 packets). Are the 13 you mention a different set?***


¶7 Progradior's [Frank Bennett] letter noted with satisfaction.


¶8 Genesthai [C. F. Russell] as above.


¶9 Windram—see above.


Your plans and ours and Eddie's [Eddie Saayman] are all left in your hands. Our bill here due on 11th. would reach you 14th or 15th. If inconvenient to forward cash you might wire say on 13th. i.e. so to cross our letter containing the bill, that you are suddenly called to London. Confirm this w[ith] a letter mentioning the question of supplies hare and saying you will forward the cash from London and that the delay (quite unavoidable) will not cause inconvenience or words to that effect. The idea is to give you time if required.


Of course we should know as soon as possible whether [illegible] is sending a crowd either here or to the neighbourhood of Paris. I have thought of St. Germaine-en-Laye**** as temporary G.H.Q. [Grand Headquarters]. It may be time for a new Comte to turn up and it may be necessary to fulfil a certain Magical Formula by some such device.


Yours of Dec. 2. See above re 12 books from Eddie.


My imagination really boggles at your obsession that I somehow interfere with you. Should really like to know modus operandi.


Haven't read Tahiti yet but feel I am going to dislike Mr. C. extremely. The Mirror of the Sea is great. He feels about it much as I do about mountains. Between us we have the majesty of nature in Her extremes of danger, cruelty, beauty and fascilation by the ovaries.


"The position of difficulty of A.I. [Eddie Saayman]" alarms me if it is something new.


Note suggestions about Paris in letter to Eddie. Mrs. Van [illegible] might fall into place. (You might offer to make your rendezvous with her in Paris if she'll send you your fare—of course move as a convenience to her than elsehow.


* Note the clause in every grade of  oaths to this effect.

** Better let Windram understand fully about Acts of Truth and the main ideas underlying the present policy of physical contributions and testing the reliability of all aspirants whatever their past.

*** Evidently they are from later letter of yours.

**** Some time ago: part vision, part Qabalah, part memory, part imagination (magical). Strongly impressed to go there for a time sooner or later.


P.S. I meant not to write to you, beyond the merest minimum, but the receipt of those books ——! ——! ——! I'm half inclined to rush to Tunis and [illegible] you on 10,000 points.



Alostrael's [Leah Hirsig] health.


Has been first class all round. I had to beat her soundly two days ago: she got sp bloody fresh I had to lay it in or become a squaw man—Paul to her Zilla, which ends in .45! But to-day for no reason at all (unless a foolish [illegible] yesterday) she collapsed while walking home from picnic lunch and tea. Not badly, and was all right in a few moments: I only mention it to show that she still needs special care—[illegible] freedom from strain, worry, and overwork.


