Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd
Dec. 11/23
There should be a compendium collection of extracts from my work such as to enable the normal critic to appreciate in the course of an evening reading the scope of my work. I suggest that Jane [Jane Wolfe] should make a few typed copies for showing to people like Nicholson. The headings may be as follows:
A. Lyrical poetry α 1. Mystical lyrics 2. Love lyrics 3. Nature lyrics 4. Dramatic lyrics 5. Humourous lyrics 6. Satirical lyrics 7. Jeux d'esprit lyrics (a sapper is sinking a well shaft) 8. Inspirational Prose (Chap. from Liber 65 or 7) 9. Religious lyrics Genuine — (Ode to Hecate) Orthodox — (Amphora)
B. Poetic Drama β. Magical 1. Normal
Γ. Prose Drama γ. Magical 2. Normal
Δ. Prose Essays δ 1. Magical 2. Nature 3. Literature 4. Romantic 5. Visions (one of the Aethyrs)
E. Philosophy ε 1. Metaphysics (Soldier and the Hunchback) 2. Ethics 3. Magick 4. Mysticism 5. Comparative Religion (Section from Science and Buddhism) 6. Psychological Pure Medical (Psychology of Hashish) 7. Official Instruction (Liber I, III, CLXXV)
F. Narrative 1. Poetic (The Thief Taker) 2. Passionate stories 3. Old Time stories (The God of Ibreez) 4. Oriental 5. Detective (Simon Iff No. I Big Game) 6. Religious 7. Jeux d'Esprit (The Stratagem) 8. Magical (Ida Pendragon or Dream Circean)
Z. Scholarship Copy page of Sepher Sephiroth, and one of 777. Add note about researches in Yi, Tarot, Geomancy, Astrology (quote page from unpublished astrological writings interesting for remarks on Famous men). Quote page from Jesus [?] summarizing the greater and lesser rituals.
With the material at your disposal you should be able to complete the list. I don't want the thing too bulky yet I don't quite see how to give a fair idea of things like stories without presenting them in full. It should be clear that I have done enough and well enough in any one of these numerous lines to establish a reputation mondiale. I want the critic to feel that there is enough in my work to justify his devoting his whole life to establishing me. It might be prudent at first to minimize the importance of AL introducing it later when the man is well hooked, as the key to the whole.