Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Aleister Crowley











28 January 1924



I do not want to ask Arturo [Arturo Sabatini], who is a delightful boy. I am hoping that with cash in my hand and a little more time that I had last time, I could persuade Amatore [their drug supplier] to give me some [Heroin]. Arturo does not know the word H[eroin].


I wrote to you that we had sent O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] our last cash. I came home and found Ninette [Ninette Shumway] and V.L. [Adam Murray] debating whether they should pay the rent with the last thousand lire they had. Said I, 'No, certainly not! We ought to send at least 800 lire to O.P.V. to clear him out of Tunis.' The other 200 went in a jiffy and we were down to 5 lire when Alma [Alma Hirsig] sent $3 for the kids. That 66 lire lasted till Saturday last when I received $100 from Bill Seabrook [William Seabrook] whom I had written just before leaving Tunis. As our debts are between 4000 and 5000 lire, it does not help especially as Carlos [Baron Carlos La Calce] is pressing for the rent. By the time we have satisfied all the others a little bit, there will be nothing left.


