Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Aleister Crowley
Cefalù, Sicily
30 January 1924
You too are a bloody fool. The only reason you're keen on me is because I am devoted to the Law. Arturo [Arturo Sabatini] is a dear and is always at the 'servicia della familia'. A faithful friend indeed.
V.L. [Adam Murray] is typing away—too much, I think. He does not type quickly but is very steady. He is a very dear fellow—We like him muchly. I've painted the read and blue hexagram on the altar—looks nice. How I should hate to give up the [Chambre de] Cauchemars! I spend most of the time in it—the boys [Hansi and Howard Shumway] and Lulette write in it—we have tea there and occasionally the whole shimbang sits with me in the evening after I have got into the sleeping-bag. Lulette told me I coughed like a lion. She is a fine husky little bitch and fascinating. She has Shummy's [Ninette Shumway] winning ways. The boys are shabby little beggars but reasonably happy. Isabella [Isabella Shumway] is a clump of meat—but such a happy good baby. The atmosphere breathes LOVE though sometimes we can't breathe it through the shouts of the kidlets.
Yes, get a place soon and let me bring at least Hermes [Howard Shumway] with me. He needs to get away from Cefalù and from Shummy.