Correspondence from Ninette Shumway to Aleister Crowley
[circa February 1924]
My well loved Beast,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I write to you tonight because I feel I must tell you I love you and long to be with you. I am sorry you had to suffer much about your nose, but I delight to feel you are going to be all well, better than before, that you are going to enjoy living and working. You are very brave. Have you anyone to go walking with you in the forest? Do you know how much I should love to be the one? I thrill when you are in Fontainebleau, I want to cry.
Lulu is a unique child—she is adorable, both in looks and in disposition. We must live in a place where you can see these babies once in a while. You won't like Isabelle [Isabella Shumway] at first, but her jolly ways will conquer you some day. Hansi is a wonderful child, you will be amazed at him. Howard [Howard Shumway], I hope, will come to you when Leah [Leah Hirsig] joins you again. It is an understanding I have with Jupiter that he must make it possible for Howard to go and see the world, otherwise I knock old Jove off the calendar. He has had his way just about long enough in this Abbey [Abbey of Thelema].
I am translating Sabatini's [Arturo Sabatini] record into English, rather making an abridged edition for you. It is very amusing and childish, but so sweet and sincere. He is a lovely boy in many ways. I don't believe you could stand him near you. He is doing visions for us which are very interesting. When will I have the pleasure of making you a pâté de foie? and frying 'chips' for O.P.V. [Norman Mudd].
Good-bye, you dear Big Man. I love you with all my heart.
'Thou art emphatically my chosen; and blessed are the ages that thou shall look upon with gladness'
Love is the law, love under will.