Correspondence from Ninette Shumway to Leah Hirsig
[circa September 1924]
I have not for one moment worried about Hansi. His departure from Cefalù was so obviously imperative that where he went to did not matter; he was being crushed by his surroundings. I expect it is all true this statement of Alma [Alma Hirsig], that his mind is opening by leaps and bounds.
Much as I have neglected him for the little ones, I am absolutely awake to the greatness of his make-up. I have striven to get him back under your directions, knowing it was all useless. Beast is still telling me that it is up to me to retrieve the wrong, and that I must get the police to produce a warrant for [the arrest of] Alma. But the Prettore, consulted this morning, tells me the Police can do nothing. There is no law against an aunt taking a child for his own good at her private expense. They cannot arrest her on those grounds and she will not be judged and punished in Italy. The offense involves moral principles that do not affect the law. I believe it is going to be a personal matter, a part of the flight of the Thelemites against the Christians. And I think that for the present we will have to swallow our wrath and watch for a better chance. I also felt that Hansi will come back to me when the time is ripe. Howard's [Howard Shumway] prayer is that someone kidnaps him soon.