Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett
Tunis, c/o Aumont [Gérard Aumont] 16 Av. De Carthage
May 27/[19]25
Dear Prog[radior],
Your letter of Apr. 19—I am forwarding it to Beast who is in Paris. (c/o Banker's Trust, 3-5 Place Vendome)
O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] forwarded those cuttings[1] to me in Paris but the letter went astray owing to the fact that I had to leave in a hurry. As it was not registered we couldn't trace it.
There seems to be some mix up about Ida de H. Crooke and the Order—my fault for butting in. I am asking Beast to straighten it out. Ninette [Ninette Shumway] has been having a terrible time with authorities. She is to be put out of Cefalu by the end of the month. Poor kid—with 4 babies on her hands.
I've had my share of worries. My sister [Alma Hirsig] kidnapped Hansi last September and the authorities will do nothing about it.
Glad you think the Manifesto will come to something. You are a comfort, Prog. You seem to be the only sane one in the bunch. For the love of 93 don't you lose your head.
Write to me sometimes—I hope to get out of this God forsaken country soon. But every place seems to be about the same. Some world we're living in. You can address me c/o Guaranty Trust Co., 1 rue des Italiens, Paris. They forward my mail wherever I am.
93 93/93
Alostrael 31-666-31
Fraternal greetings to Mrs. Barton[2]—I am sorry I never got her letter with the cuttings.
1—The "cuttings" were probably clippings of the expose on Bennett and his O.T.O. that ran in the Sydney newspaper Smith's Weekly in November 1924: [Anon] "A Love Temple for Every Australian Capital," Smith's Weekly, November 15, 1924 and "Sydney's Temple of Love," Smith's Weekly, November 29, 1924. 2—Mrs. Barton was a student of Frank Bennett's.