Thelema-Verlag Publishing Contract

Signed on 15 March 1927








Name and Object of the "Thelema-Verlags-Gesellschaft, Leipzig". The object of the Thelema-Verlags-Gesellschaft is the propagation of the Law of Thelema in Germany, as given by the Master Therion (Sir Aleister Crowley). For this purpose the complete works of the Master Therion are to be published, and besides, such of other authors that serve the same purpose. They are to succeed each other as quickly as possible.


To that end the under-signed


1. Sir Aleister Crowley, Paris.


2. Herr Gebhardi [Otto Gebhardi], Leipzig.


3. Herr Germer [Karl Germer], Boston, U.S.A.


4. Herr Hopfer [Oskar Hopfer], Weissendorf.


5. Frl. Küntzel [Martha Küntzel], Leipzig.


6. Herr B. Sporn, Zeulenroda.

start the "Thelema-Verlags-Gesellschaft, Leipzig", and enter into a contract which is to be ruled only by German law.




a) Partner 1 binds himself to convey to the Thelema Publishing Company the copyright and right of translation of his works free of cost.


b) Partner 2 and 5 bind themselves to translate these works into German and furnish well-legible manuscripts, free of cost.


c) Partner 3 has already translated one of the more voluminous works (777); further work will depend on circumstances.


The choice of the book that is to be translated, the number of copies to be printed, as well as the price are decided by voting.


The partners 2 and 5 bind themselves to hand the manuscripts over too partner 6, punctually and in good order, who, on his side is bound to get the books ready as agreed. The publishing firm, as such, furnished the paper for the translation work as soon as the present stock is used up, and reimburses the partners 2 and 5 for their monthly outlay of postage in their work for the Thelema-Verlag, about which they have to keep an account.


In the same way the firm pays for eventual expenses for the translation rights of the works of other authors that are recommended for study, by the Master Therion. These rights are then the property of the firm.


c) The partner 4 is also bound to furnish the pictures, or drawing over of such as are given as well as the marking of printed forms free of cost, punctually and in good order.


d) For all the orders of print, effected by the partner 6 alone, he is given a credit up to M 3000.—(Three thousand). All these effected orders thus become the debt of the Society and bear 8% interest. The single partners, however cannot be made responsible for any deficit. The calculations of his work are made according to the tariff of German printers with an addition of 5% for his risk. He has to furnish the necessary paper at prime cost.


The liability of giving him credit is diminished at the end of the first year dating from the day of the entering into the contract to IM 1500.—and ends at the end of the second year.


The number of votes of the society is twelve.


Partner 1 votes for 3

Partner 2 votes for 1

Partner 3 votes for 1

Partner 4 votes for 1

Partner 5 votes for 3

Partner 6 votes for 3


Every resolution is carried by a majority of votes; in case of an even number it is decided by drawing lots. The oral method of procedure is preferable, if it can be brought about.



Revocation and Dissolution.


The contract is made for a calendar-year end and is tacitly understood to continue unless warning is given three months before the end of the year, which must be done by a majority of 3/4 ths of the voters.


The death of one of the partners is no reason for discontinuing the contract, but the gap is filled up so that the unselfish idea underlying the foundation of the Thelema-Verlags-Gesellschaft is not impaired. The direct inheritors are payed off on the strength of an intermediate calculation, his right of voting expires, however.




Management of the Business.


The management of the business is entrusted to partner 6.



Rendering of Accounts.


Until January 31st of every year the manager has to render account and after assent is given by the voters, he has to pay down the shares of the profit within a fortnight.



Profit Account.


The clear gain is divided among the partners in the following way:

          Partner 1 owns 35%

          Partner 2 owns 10%

          Partner 3 owns 15%

          Partner 4 owns 15%

          Partner 5 owns 10%

          Partner 6 owns 15%




The seat of the society and the place where the work agreed about is to be fulfilled is in every case Zeulenroda and the guarantee is given by the Lower Court at Zeulenroda.


The contract is ratified and signed.



Zeulenroda, March 15th 1927.


