Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward W. Titus





6 rue de la Mission Marchand

Paris XVIe



Aug 23 [1927]



Dear Mr. Titus,


I trust you will find time to send me at your earliest convenience the confirmation etc arranged for at our last conference.


I hope to be able to give you accurate news of the shape of the Baudelaire [Charles Baudelaire] sheets [Little Poems in Prose] within a few days.


With regard to the Book of Oaths, my present plans make it imperative that this book—the first section, at least,—should appear by the end of October.


If you want it, please let me know terms by the end of the present week. If not, please return MSS., as in this case I will accept the alternative arrangement which I have in view.


Yours truly,


Aleister Crowley.


