Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel Foyet Paris
Feb 25 [1928]
Care Frater,
Called on the Amexco with your letter and answered the questions.
They said "all right".
Weeks passed.
They telegraphed me to answer those questions all over again. They are like that.
But I have been down to F[ontaine]bleau and started sorting MSS etc. It is at least a month's work for a trained secretary with every convenience.
Incidentally a certain (or rather uncertain) person has let us down into a deep pit and into the miry clay about the upkeep of the house. This is very serious because all those papers—and there are lots of important things hidden somewhere in the mass—might be seized.
The compensation claim drags on, and so does the sale of my play "The Three Wishes", which everyone likes enormously and nibbles at. The worst of it is that I have no copy here, or I might sell a share in it for say £100; which sum, if I had it, would put me on my feet for 3 months or more. I detest borrowing on principle; but if you could find a friend to help out, it would be an economy. Because if one goes smash, it costs so much more to pick up the pieces.
Now, under brighter auspices! I think you have got the points of 4 III [Magick in Theory and Practice] fairly well, but you don't mention the scientific and sceptical basis, which is the really unique feature.
Good for you, restoring the script. That's the kind of spirit we need.
I doubt if I could write that prospectus. But I will ask a man who writes "popular appeal" stuff.
I can't help you much with addresses. I've got agents everywhere, but they seem as paralysed as I am myself. I believe the best way is to find a publisher: preferably not a regular occult publisher, with his fads and foolishness.
You'll find English Masons hold up their hands in holy horror at the idea that Masonry would ever be anything but a Booze Club, plus an excuse to escape from "the wife". I think that you'll find that the only way to sell the book is on its merits. You might well imitate the German crow, by forming a private company to publish our books. They are going ahead A.1. Constant new publications.
About O.T.O. You seem to have misunderstood the word "political". I don't remember the connection but it has nothing to do with any external activities.
It would really be a good plan, and might save money in the end, if you crossed, not for a night, but a week—or as near that as may be. Supposing I survive the various catastrophes impending! At Easter the boss of the biggest Occult paper in Berlin is coming to see me.
93 93/93.