Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Grand Hotel Lombard,

Hautes Alpes,




26 Aug 1928







K [Kasimira Bass] wrote you this A.M. definitely about the $10,000. I think it good enough, as she is very keen to get to work, and has all the qualities required to negotiate between me and the outer. She quite understands that she has got to make good, and that she must devote herself to the job without allowing her personal views to interfere.


This plan will also make it much easier for me to establish various connexions, as well as to work on my new book.


She cannot be absolutely sure that the money will be paid on time. There may be some delay, or she may get only a portion. But I see no reason why things should not go through without a hitch.


She is quite willing to repay any sums advanced to her in the case of the loan falling through at the last moment for any reason.


I was very annoyed at having to discuss the matter with her at all; but time pressed. I have a strong feeling that I might be in Paris; perhaps there may be some Americans there whom I should see before they return to U.S.A. Or--?--? Anyhow, it is a strong instinct.


I leave here to-morrow Monday, reaching Paris on Tuesday. Will let you know where I am staying.


If you think this good enough to go on, there is no need to transfer more than the £200. I will advance her what she needs out of this sum, taking and sending to you  her receipt to the "Thelema Publication Fund"—I wish you would think up a better name. My one effort will be to reconstitute the fund entirely before Sept 21, in some new way, just in case both K[asimira] and Miss Eaton [Cora Eaton] are late. I've no word from Sieveking [Lance Sieveking], by the way: I hope to hear on arrival. And that [illegible].


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(I—G.J.Y. minuted the above letter "Answered that I had instructed the Bank to transfer the £200. Consequently cannot guarantee to put Book 4 Pt III [Magick in Theory and Practice] in press on Sept 21. Must have money sent me now for that purpose. Sent figures showing that on present scale of expenditure £1970 will be spent in the first 12 months. Urged economy and expedition")


