Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
56 Welbeck Str. W.1.
8 Sept 36
Yours of no date, but received last night. I enclose order form covering the 12 copies [of The Equinox of the Gods] for which you subscribed. No more to be had: this edition (250 copies) will be more valuable than the £1-1-0 one. About 50 of the latter are sold already.
Publication 5.26 a.m. Sept 23. Books to binders on 14th. I enclose memorandum. There are still two or three one eighth shares for sale.
Your Eq[uino]x I, x (for loan of which many thanks) is on the way here: will be sent to 9 in a day or two. But Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] has the horoscope page which must be pasted in again.
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