Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Aleister Crowley






Oct. 3, 1936 e.v.



Most Holy, Most Illuminated and Most Worshipful Father:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your communication of September 16th to Brother Wilfred T. Smith leaves me dumbfounded and I cannot but write you the facts as I see them.


1. Administration of finances.


Although I have seen the ledger (I signed all cheques with Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi]) I did not examine it thoroughly. Here I can but repeat what Jacobi, who set up the book told me: namely, that it was arranged to save Wilfred income tax—if that means anything. However, I feel sure Wilfred can straighten out any misunderstanding here, if he is given the facts on which the accusation is based, for his honesty and loyalty are unquestionable.


2. Commercial considerations.


I would like to go on record as branding this information a base falsehood. More: a malicious lie.


No, we did not know "all this had been reported" to you. (May I know your informant?) And I do not know to what letter of mine you refer, unless it be that of June 1. And if so, what has that letter to do with the matter?


We have worked hard and uninterruptedly—Smith, Regina [Regina Kahl] and myself—these past years to establish Thelema and the O.T.O.—this matter is Smith's life's blood. Since Jacobi's departure, the Lodge, of course, is marking time due to lack of man power; but please believe me when I say that neither the Order nor the Mass would survive the withdrawal of Smith.


Love is the law, love under will


Yours in the bonds of the Order,


